10 things you should REALLY know before moving to Sweden

(If you’re thinking of moving, read this post too: Should you  move to Sweden?)

“Moving to Sweden” seems to have become the UK’s equivalent of “moving to Canada” – the threat made so frequently by US liberals under the Bush administration.

Predictably, as the results of the 2015 general election came in, Twitter filled with “I’m moving to Sweden!” declarations. I could only smile wryly. A few years ago I could easily have been among that horde. We middle-class lefties hold up Scandinavia, and Sweden in particular, as the ultimate model of doing things right. Gender equality, social security, quality of life: on paper Sweden appears a socialist utopia.

But like any utopian dream, the reality doesn’t quite match up to expectations. Despite our ostensible freedom as citizens of the EU to travel, live and work wherever we like, moving to Sweden can be fraught with challenges and reality checks. So much so that when I came across this article over the weekend, “20 things to know before moving to Sweden“, I read it with less of a wry smile and more of a glare.

Fools! I thought. How dare you suggest that the biggest difficulty an immigrant in Sweden will face is learning to keep their plastic bags from the supermarket.

So I thought I’d write my own list, drawing on my experiences and those of the other immigrants I’ve befriended. Here are a few things you should really know if you’re thinking about moving to Sweden.

1. You need a plan to get a person number

If you don’t know what a person number is, go back to square 1 of “researching moving to Sweden”. It’s no exaggeration to say that this ten digit number is the key to unlocking life in Sweden. You need it for everything: to get a phone contract, to get help from the job centre, even to get a loyalty card for your favourite shop.

Getting a job offer in Sweden before you move is far and away the best thing you can do to make the immigration process go smoothly. A job gets you a person number automatically. Of course, unless your skills are in particularly high demand, getting a job offer from overseas is no small feat. If it doesn’t look feasible, then at the very least you need a plan.

To get a person number, you need to be able to prove that you are either working or studying in Sweden, or that you have enough money in savings to support yourself for a while. The uncomfortable truth is that I bought my way into Swedish society. I was lucky that I had a decent amount in savings: without it, I would have been locked out of the system for months.

So if you’re really thinking about moving to Sweden, first figure out how you will get your person number – and don’t rely on a job offer appearing from thin air once you’ve moved!

2. Racism exists here too

Sweden is renowned as a land of tolerance and equality, and in a lot of ways it is, but it’s also a place where a UKIP-esque anti-immigration party polled at 13% in last year’s general election. Immigration has jumped in recent years and around 15% of Sweden’s inhabitants are now foreign-born, causing a lot of anxiety to Swedes who are used to a more homogeneous society.

As a white native English speaker I’m in just about the most privileged position an immigrant in Sweden can be, but broach the subject of racism with anyone who looks remotely foreign and they’re bound to have some stories for you. One of my colleagues on Korta Vägen, an Egyptian man, told me how one day he was helping a friend move into a new flat when one of the neighbours poked her head out of her door. “Are you moving in?” she asked. “No, no,” he replied, all deference and politeness, “just helping a friend.” “Good,” she said, and shut the door.

3. It’s oh so quiet

One of the first things that really struck me when I moved to Uppsala was how little people spoke to each other in everyday life. I had moved from London – not exactly known for its sense of camaraderie – but the difference was nonetheless palpable. If you hold a door open for someone, you may not get a thanks. If you are blocking someone’s way in the supermarket, they will say nothing but stand and stare at you until you move. If you try to start a conversation on the bus, they’ll look at you like you’re insane.

Swedish people are generally closed-off and keep themselves to themselves, which can be challenging when it comes to making friends in your new home. I’ve heard a Swede’s friendship compared to a bottle of ketchup: you can expend all your effort trying to get a single drop and fail, but wait long enough and it all pours out and they’ll open up to you completely. Apparently.

4. You are not entitled to benefits

If you’re thinking of moving from within the EU, you might assume that you get a certain amount of state support while you search for a job. Until recently there were very few hurdles for European citizens wishing to claim benefits in the UK (this, admittedly, changed under the Coalition government and is changing further under the Tories) so it can come as a surprise to find that Sweden, with its extensive welfare state, doesn’t make any exceptions for its European neighbours.

For your basic jobseeker’s allowance you have to have worked in Sweden for at least 6 months of the previous year. If you come to Sweden as a refugee rather than an immigrant, different rules apply and you’re entitled to a certain amount of financial support.

A couple of bright spots: you can get a small amount of financial support as a participant in certain programmes intended to make you more employable – like the course I’m currently enrolled on, Korta Vägen – and the Swedish For Immigrants language course is completely free

5. There is no Amazon

Amazon does not operate in Sweden. Can you remember life before Amazon? When you had to buy things from actual shops at their full retail price? That is how we live here in Sweden. I know. It’s messed up.

6. Life is harder if you don’t speak English

The original “20 things to know” list said learning Swedish helps with life in Sweden. This is self-evidently true, but a lot of highly educated, non-English-speaking immigrants find themselves locked out from job opportunities or academic courses even when they have mastered Swedish.

On the other hand, don’t assume that being a native English speaker will make you inherently employable or that you can teach English as a back up plan. You may be in for a shock when you realise that most English teachers in schools double up with another subject – usually Swedish.

7. No one who works for a government agency has the slightest clue what they’re doing and the only way to get anything done is to go and see them in person

Thought you could fill out your paperwork online, over the phone or by post? HAHAHA. Nope, off to the tax agency / job centre / immigration office you trot. And you’ll soon learn to accept “I don’t know” as an answer to any question you might have about the system, just like a real Swede.

8. Your work is your identity

Sweden has the archetypal Protestant work ethic and it’s taken for granted that everyone works, wants to work, and continues working after having children (once they’ve made use of their generous parental leave). For many of us this is nothing unusual, but I remember a middle-aged woman from the US describing the puzzled reactions she got from other parents at the school gate when she said that she was a housewife. That’s not really a thing in Sweden.

While we might be used to asking and answering the question “what do you do?”, somehow in Sweden it all seems to be taken a bit more seriously. I soon learned that brushing it off with typical British self-deprecation (“well, not much at the moment really”) didn’t get a great reaction. Here, what you do is considered a key element of who you are – it gives people a way to make sense of you. The sooner you can answer that question confidently, the more accepted you’ll feel.

9. “You can’t sit with us”: a Swede’s greatest fear

In Sweden, the consensus rules. You can trace this communal mentality back to the country’s peasant farming days, when villagers had to band together to help each other survive cold winters, infectious diseases, and other general dangers involved with being a peasant. In 2015 it manifests itself in a number of ways.

Take work. In a Swedish workplace, being part of a group that works well together is considered to be the most important thing above all else. It’s why many foreigners (including myself) spend a long time messing up cover letters for job applications. They focus on showing why they are the best possible candidate rather than showing what they can bring to the group. Similarly, a meeting at work is less likely to involve airing opposing points of view and resolving a conflict – instead it’s about maintaining consensus.

The difference is subtle, but once you have got your head around it, you can start to understand all kinds of things about Swedish culture. The worst kind of punishment in Sweden is to be excluded from the group.

It’s something that Swedes themselves struggle to see. After hearing this phenomenon explained in a lecture, I tried to paraphrase it for Andreas back at home. “I don’t know,” he said, unconvinced… until he recalled something he’d read in the news recently. A politician had gone against the party line in a vote and as a result of this, he claimed, his colleagues had been bullying him. How? By ignoring him in the fika room.

10. It’s a great place to live

I know this post has focused on some of the negatives of moving, but despite all the challenges, I still feel good about building a future in Sweden. That quality of life that we all envy from the UK is real. Living in Sweden means the opportunity to be part of a fairer, more inclusive society. Where once I assumed that I would be moving back to London as soon as possible, now I’m starting to feel settled and becoming more integrated here.

So if you are thinking of moving to Sweden, yes, there are a few things you should know beyond “they love their coffee!”. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. With the right skills and a solid plan you might just be able to find your own place in this beautiful, fika-loving, 450,000km² peasant village.

72 thoughts on “10 things you should REALLY know before moving to Sweden

    • Hej! Thanks for your comment, will check out your blog. I don’t like the thought of putting off other people from moving to Sweden or making out like it’s all negative – in retrospect I probably could have tried to get a bit more balance! Thinking positive is vital to make it through some of the tougher moments of being an immigrant in Sweden so try and stay that way 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thanks for this post, it’s great! I’m moving to Sweden in few months and it’s so good to read from a person who’s been through all this and knows what is it to live there. Thank you for sharing your experience!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for taking the time to write this. My wife and I are in the beginning stages of planning a move to Sweden from the US. I’ll stay posted on your blog. Now let’s just hope our current companies are able to make transfers happen. Thanks again!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi David! Just curious…do you work for an oil company? I’m also American (I live in Houston) and want to move abroad. I lived in Canada for three years, but really want to move to Europe and am feeling out options. Good luck with your move!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Very informative post. I wish to live in was curious about to best approach sweden for work and education, i currently live in US and work as service technician. All i can really “show off” is my CompTIA A+ Certification and i heard getting a job in such industry without speaking swedish shouldn’t be difficult? While my passion is for agriculture, I am debating if i should be attending college here and earn a certificate or move to sweden and “make it happen” through internship etc. I feel like a mere certificate wouldn’t even matter there. If you have some input or any advice for me, would be much appreciated. I should mention my GF would be attending university there, and she’s from romania so she’d get those EU benefits (place to live). Seems that going to sweden makes sense if you have a bachelors or masters in some field, so in my case would i just struggle living a peasant life?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi there, gosh that sounds tricky. If it’s a choice between continuing your education in the US or getting practical experience in Sweden, the latter would probably help you more, but it wouldn’t necessarily be easy to get into. I definitely think learning Swedish would be a great help, and might even be a prerequisite, in that profession, so you would probably need to spend some time on that as well. Also, I’m not sure of the details, but I believe US citizens need to have a work permit to move to Sweden. Whatever you choose I wish you lots of luck!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hej Helen,
    Here’s a different take for you. My parets left Sweden when I was 13 and moved to Australia. Now that I’m 51 with a family I long to go back and share this beautiful country with my daugher and husband (both Australian!). I still have citizenship and a person nummer, and I still speak and read/write Svenska. My husband and daughter do not, however my daughter has a basic understanding of Swedish (she’s 13). I’m interested to hear your views on this. I haven’t lived or worked in Sweden, and wondering how easy or difficult it would be for us to make the move. I’ m thinking my daughter could easily get her university education in Sweden, she has the added advantage of becoming a citizen with me being her mother. Cheers Eva

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Interesting read. I live in one of the neighboring Scandinavian countries, and its almost the same here, though the Swedes are definitely harder to get to know. I’ve also lived in Sweden as well a few years back. I was able to get work from abroad, without even being able to speak Swedish. If moving to Sweden, I would recommend heading for the smaller towns just outside of the major cities. There is a good transport infrastructure and commuting is fairly easy and decent priced housing as well. Just my two cents worth.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am planning to go Umea Uni for my Masters in Public Health Program. And also I am willing to work and live in Sweden after my 1 year program.. Can somebody tell me how difficult it is to find a job offer for me. I have basic knowledge of Svanska. What would be the average wage for my possition. Thank you in advance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would not say that its easy to find work, but it is possible. It all depends on your expectations. The key is good preparation and research about the place before you even seek anything. Its always good to know some Swedish especially if the job you seek is dealing with other Swedes. Just try and try again.!


      Liked by 1 person

  7. Great informative article!

    You mentioned early on in the article that if you have a certain amount in your savings account to show you can support yourself for a while without a job you can move there. Could you include what that ball-park figure is? I’d like to know if its possible to go that route for myself and significant other.

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m planning on moving to sweden to be near my daughter and swedish husband. I am retired and hoping to buy a house. I am wondering how the health system works as I have a condition that needs to be monitored on an ongoing basis. Can someone help me with this query?

    Many thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Sheena, i asked my mother this since she used to live in sweden and i plan to move there sometime during the next few years. Over there you pay for your appointments, prescriptions and you pay for the days you stay at a hospital (my sister broke her ankle while we were in sweden one time). after a certain amount of times you’ve paid- there is a cap each year, so after that cap during one year you don’t pay for the rest of the year.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Great post! I agree with the most parts as I’ve been growing up in Sweden. I also like the interest of moving here. It’s a good place to live.

    If anybody have any questions about the country, culture or social life I would love to help! Even if you just want to chat and maybe learn some swedish. I’m a 22 year old swede and you’ll find me at; joakimjournath@gmail.com

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hei, me and my partner are moving to Sweden, so I was looking for information from online and I got this. We are living currently in Ireland (we are not Irish) but in August we probably gonna live in Sweden. Your post helped me a lot! Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Hey! Interesting post. Thank you. Some ope your points made ring true. I just flew back from Sweden, where my Swedish husband and I are planning to move to along the north coastal area of Skåne. We are building a house, and the pedantic bureaucracy has been driving us crazy with regards to planning permission, and makes even HK ( where we currently reside) more efficient! I do agree with the ‘hard to get to know you’ Swedes part. Being Australian ( with German ancestry from both sides of my family) , I am used to people being upfront, direct and open as we tend to be in Australia. If one has a differing opinion, no one cares. Like someone looking your path, we say a polite “excuse me”, whereas it frustrates me sometimes that my husband just stands there, and WILL stand there for a good 15 mins waiting for someone to move without asking if he can pass. Still, people are helpful in Sweden. I have found the majority are friendly and the customer service is great. I also like the open area ( we are moving to semi rural area) , clean living and quality off lifestyle. having survived many winters in Europe, the cold doesn’t bother me. Pet friendly lifestyle is also great as we will also move our beagle dog and British Shorthair cross cat. My main concern is finding a job after learning the language. I also speak and write German, so hopefully that would also be a bonus. Also, in Germany, at work, I often received the usual bitching about why come here and take their jobs ( I even got that treatment from fellow immigrants!) , so I wonder if it is the same in the Swedish workplace.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Very interesting post, also for us natives!

    Just a comment about our severe lack of Amazon 🙂
    Before Brexit we used Amazon.uk, now we are automatically redirected to Amazon.com. There are other sites with corresonding content (tradera, blocket and cdon to mention a couple of the most common). They are mostly in Swedish though, so google translate or basic SFI is useful 🙂

    In my not so objective opinion I would say that Sweden is a really good country to have a family in. School, daycare and healthcare are all free or almost free – and it is socially accepted for any of the parents to stay at home and take care of your children when they are ill and can’t be at the daycare or school. The term is “VAB” and the month February when all smaller children have colds and other viruses is commonly called VABruary since lots of parents are absent from work VABbing their kids.


  13. Tell me please because I really don’t understand. When a Swede stares at someone when they are waiting for someone to do something, e.g. leaving the doorway of a building etc. Are they truly angry with that person? Once the person complies is all well? Is this some type of passive-aggressive behavior? What is the underlying message?

    Liked by 1 person

      • I would say that it’s definitely passive aggressiveness. If you live in a block of flat you will be familiar with the “angry note” posted in the foyer, usually addressing someone’s loud music or fluff not being removed from the tumble dryer filter in the communal laundry area. Typically Swedish 😀


  14. Thank you very much for your post. I got one of the hard to find jobs from abroad and moving in a few months. I sincerely hope I’ll enjoy living in Sweden as I know no one there apart from my work colleagues (they are American). I found you as I’m looking for a reliable cargo company to move my very little amount of stuff. Would you be able to recommend any, please?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kay, if it is boxes you want to transport then a company like DHL should be able to give you a quote. I’m not sure about other companies. Hope you find a suitable removals company. Best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kay, so sorry for the delayed response. Unfortunately I can’t make a recommendation as I moved my belongings a few suitcases at a time from the UK and didn’t have any furniture to bring with me. Good luck with your move!


      • Hi,
        I don’t suppose you know anything about moving to Malmo from London do you? We are also looking at Gothenburg. Also I heard that finding a flat to rent is difficult and locals go on waiting lists for a long time? Is this true? Thanks


        • Hi T and P, I’m afraid I don’t have any insight specific to Malmö or Gothenburg. It’s true that Swedes can spend years in queues for rental apartments, the rental market is very highly regulated. The best way for most people is to try and find a second-hand sublet. There are Facebook groups where people advertise these, although obviously it’s easier if you have contacts already. Look for terms like “bostad i Malmö / Göteborg” and you might be able to get a sense of what’s available. Good luck!


  15. Hi. I am an american about to move to sweden. Im a single mom w autistic 15 yo boy. I was unable to work much these past 15 y because my son needed a lot of care. Heard sweden is a good place to live, get good care for my son and a nice little job for me…hopefully :/


  16. I am a 61 year young Registered Nurse, American, E flush speaking, retired and with savings. My career has been primarily in the home environment. Does anybody know how I can go about finding nursing jobs in home care in Gothenberg Sweden? One of my children moved there and my grandson was born there two years ago… I would REALLY like to live closer to them!


  17. Thanks for a fun & interesting read. In 18 months, I am moving with my husband who is Finnish Swede (a very important distinction in our generation of the 50’s-60’s), to SE. I am very enthused about it, as the time I’ve spent there, both summers and dead-of-harsh-winters, has been lovely.

    We are going to buy a country home in which we’ll live out our retirement years. Very exciting. Not exciting is the nuts and bolts of the overseas move!

    We are soon leaving for a trip there, starting in the south and ending, after looking at some properties, in Stockholm, where the rest of the small family is. It is going to be a great trip. I am in a beautiful area of Northern California, where the redwood forests meet the beach, but frankly, things have grown out-of-hand in this state — particularly in popular areas — in terms of population and traffic. If you want to go into town, be prepared for constant traffic jams of epic proportions and duration. And that jaunt to see relatives in that other nearby town? No longer just a straight-through trip; that is a thing of the past. I used to get to my brothers’ house in 3.5 hours, now I can count on anywhere between 5 and 7 hours.

    When I am in Sweden (and I found Finland the same), I can sense the absence of this dense-human-and auto-tangle that is starting to become enormously limiting to daily life. I can sense it in such a pointed way, for which I don’t have adequate words. The visual delight of not constantly seeing shining metal of car-after-car…the *space* between things…the cleaner air…It is truly a thing of the senses. I look forward to this escape from the frenetic pressure cooker that has become life in any bigger town in California. I live in the woods, but as soon as I’m down the mountain (20 minutes), it’s jumping with people and cars. What used to be my 30-minute ride to work turned into an hour ride, sometimes more.

    I also have received quite a bit of medical attention in Sweden, seeing many doctors, and even including having surgery and being in the ER twice. I have never in my life been treated with such respect, care, attention, and professionalism. It seems a dream that I will be in a situation that this care will be my everyday provision. This — after being in the quagmire that is “healthcare” in this country — seems a dream-come-true.

    I look forward to reading more of your writings on Sweden. There are indeed things that I feel hesitant about, but such giant moves always present pros and cons. We will probably rent our home here for a year — once you leave the area where we live, there is no getting back (without very substantial funds), property prices are absurdly high and always climbing. Just in case, we decide that we prefer this haunt, we are leaving ourselves the option to return to the lovely beach-forest, where too many people have come to stay!

    Thanks a lot ~ jmdm


  18. Hello,
    I am considering moving to Sweden from US. I work in one of the best hospitals in US ( finance sector) and the world. I would like to be closer to my family in Europe.
    Would you please advise me where should I look for a job. Any websites, companies accepting English speakers?

    Thank you!


    • Hi Maya, sorry I didn’t see your comment until now. I imagine your best bet would be to look for job sites specific to your industry. Often you can create job alerts with certain keywords in, I have done that on some websites for the word “English” (this also only catches job ads that are written in English). But you can also look at the jobs area of thelocal.se. Sorry not to be able to help more!


  19. Thanks for all the comments,am an African planning to move to Sweden for studies and to settle down there,am not rich but hard working,so which of the cities will be best for me as am not coming in with so much money but intend to work and pay my fees,rent and others.


  20. I’m a US citizen thinking to move to Europe especially Sweden, does anyone have an idea what’s the requirement for getting a permanent?


    • I’m in the same situation. Of course you need your us passport, and then if you can, get a work visa for Sweden. However, you need to have a job lined up to get a work permit. If it becomes important to leave before you have that lined up, I think you can apply for a visitors permit and look for a job once you get there, but you may need to show you have enough funds to support yourself without a job before you are allowed to do that. There are specific jobs that have the work permit necessity waived because there is a shortage of workers in that field. You could also file for a work permit as self employed. Sweden’s website is actually really wonderful, and they do have the pertinent info in English as well. I would suggest getting started learning the language asap. I am using Duolingo, but the Swedish government website looks like it has a program you can use, and there’s lots of other free sources online. http://www.migrationsverket.se/English/Private-individuals.html


  21. You forgot something, the schools, parties, general people and the hospitals are freaking stupid. I wish I wasn’t born in Sweden, move to UK or Denmark instead…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sweden is a still a great place to live, if you head for the larger towns. Denmark is also great, but with either you’ll need to speak the language and integrate with the locals.


  22. If government workers have no idea what they are doing, then why are you in favor of creating more of them? Socialism=big government; government workers=no one cares


    • There’s no contradiction in wanting a strong social safety net and wanting the people who work in public services to be competent. Feel free to take your incisive political analysis elsewhere next time.


  23. Hi, I am an American with a Swedish husband and 4 year old, all living in the US. We are considering moving to Stockholm. Is there anyone who can speak to education and work in Stockholm? I’m a social entrepreneur – would appreciate some advice. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Hi Lauri, one place to start asking is The Hub, part of the global network of social enterprise spaces: stockholm.impacthub.net Would you be bringing your project with you or looking to find one here? For more information about life in Stockholm and moving here, I work for this project http://www.newinsweden.com which means we go out and find the info you need (for a small membership fee of course)! Good luck with your research.


  25. Great post! very useful I am thinking about moving as self employed with distance work till I get a in person job in Sweden (I have Italian passport, I live in Argentina and work for a NGO). So what do you think is a minimum amount that is acceptable for the Swedes to demostrate you have enough to survive? Besides having a monthly entrance with the distance job which I could demonstrate with a yearly contract with official translation to English? Thanks!


  26. Hi,
    Thanks a lot for this info! I’m a Colombian searching some info in order to move to Sweden next year but I really have no clue about the migration process. Where should I start?



  27. Greetings from Essex
    Very true reflection of Swedish modus operandi
    I used to live in Sweden ( Sverige) from mid 80’s to late 90’s, moved to the UK in 97, but god I miss Sweden, I am seriously considering to move back “home”. Just need to brush up my Svenska.
    Jag trivs bast I oppna landskap!


  28. Totally agree with your analysis! It is a good expectations re-set! sometimes people expect wonders from Sweden, but things are bewildering here too (administration etc..) and the norms and codes are quite different (aka your point #9). A good friend posted a series of article in The Newbie Guide to Sweden web site that go through the Swedish psyche at work and at home . http://www.thenewbieguide.se/how-to-make-a-good-impression-at-work-in-sweden/


  29. Interesting and quite helpful! Sometimes being foreign not only allows for a different unique perception of a culture but can also reveal specific intricacies within the society which are often missed by those indigenous.
    Currently living in Germany (planning to move to Sweden soon) I was first exposed to this country and its people as an outsider and thus have been able to recognise patterns and subtleties they themselves aren’t aware of. As you mentioned yourself, confronted by these discoveries and conclusions many have a tendency to reject the “allegation” (germans as they are never answer with an “I don’t know”, rather they deny it vehemently…) not understanding that life somewhere else could possibly have evolved or function differently. I was extremely lucky my parents had us kids live in multiple countries, otherwise I fear I likely would have grown up to be just as engulfed in one world view and lifestyle as the rest. And yet at times I do envy how intuitively natives can interact and exist within their own community.


  30. Very nice piece, considering I lived in Uppsala for year as an exchange student and just got back, I know some of this and helps more because I’m wanting to move back once I have my education done. I know it’ll be a bit difficult but hopefully I can settle with a good international school, I’m planning on becoming a teacher, I know that Uppsala Uni offers free Swedish courses to take for careers with the University but I’m also thinking of doing SFI, fortunate to have a cousin who is now living in Sweden with her sambo in Linköping and thinking about heading to school but still needs to take the SFI courses, I can ask her about that. I just fell in love with Uppsala, everyday I long to go back.


  31. Hi Helen ,
    Thanks for all your information , I am planing to move to Sweden with my wife and three kids soon , I have been in Canada for almost 6 years my older son grade 9 , daughter grade 3 and the youngest one is one year old . So how it would be for them regarding the health and education ? My self I am going to start franchise business there and I am Kurdish Canadian , I think I will like to live there cause a lot of Kurdish comunity there as I heard .


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